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A Conversation with our Intern, Camila Cortes: Her View from the Construction Site

September 2024

Northstar, is committed to mentoring and nurturing the next generation of talent with a passion for pursuing careers in project management. As part of our internship/co-op program, we collaborate with institutions such as CREST (Commercial Real Estate Success Training), Northeastern University, and Wentworth Institute of Technology, to identify exceptional candidates.

We had the pleasure of introducing Camila Cortes to our team for the past three months. Camila joined us through the CREST (Commercial Real Estate Training) program and is finishing her MBA at Babson College. She has a degree in Architecture with a minor in Business Administration from Bogota, Colombia. We took the opportunity to sit down with Camila to gain insights into her experience as a part of our Northstar team throughout her internship.

Tell us a little about your background 

am from Bogota, Colombia, and I am an architect pursuing my MBA at Babson College. I have three years of experience in the construction industry. I come from a family of entrepreneurs; my grandfather and father have always been involved in residential construction. I complemented my path by creating a spin-off of my family business, a remodeling-focused B2C company, in 2016 while still in college. Before coming to the US, I worked as a project manager on commercial and residential projects; I chose the path of construction early on due to my passion for how things are built. Project management has always been central to my career, and a company like Northstar caught my attention because the Owner’s Project Management role seems new to me; it’s a role I haven’t heard of before in my country. Now, I’m pivoting toward real estate to explore the other side of the business, seeking new challenges and stepping outside my comfort zone to continue creating my own path.

How would you describe your internship experience at Northstar to others?

Invaluable and dynamic. I had the opportunity to connect with Northstar through CREST, which was an incredible addition to my experience. At Northstar, I had the chance to work on three different projects. 100 South Campus Drive is in the construction phase, where I learned the most. I was exposed to aspects I hadn’t been part of before, such as the foundation of a project: concrete and steel. The other two projects were in the finishing phase, which is my favorite and where I have the most experience. However, I never stopped discovering new construction methods and realized my passion for being involved in the project, facing new challenges each day as it advanced toward final completion.

What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned with your internship at Northstar?

The importance of effective communication, leadership, and organizational skills. Three words come to mind every time I describe what Northstar does; those three words, I believe, consolidate what a true project manager is. It was the moment when I had to do a public speaking workshop with CREST, and this grabber we had to create came to me. It gave me the idea of seeing Northstar like master Lego builders, arranging together every block to create a masterpiece. Nothing is better than having a job where interacting with people in the right way is the key to the project’s success.

What was the most rewarding thing about working with the Northstar team?

I would never have imagined they would trust me to step in for the Project Manager during his absence, effectively taking over responsibilities during the final week of a graduate housing project to ensure timely completion and alignment with deliverables. This role involved managing the project during a crucial phase and allowed me to demonstrate my leadership skills in a context I hadn’t experienced before in the US. The opportunity to oversee such a project was both challenging and rewarding, allowing me to prove my capabilities and make an impact.

What new skills and knowledge did you gain through your Northstar internship?

I gained a deep understanding of the importance of the Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) role, which I was unfamiliar with in Colombia. The internship allowed me to truly appreciate the value of this role and be a part of it. I also learned a new terminology; I brought a new word or acronym every day. Additionally, I gained insight into new construction methods and how projects are meticulously organized to increase efficiency and minimize errors throughout the construction process.

What career path are you looking to get into and why? 

Project management has always been part of my career path and having the opportunity to work on the owner’s side of project management resonated with me. I’m excited to continue exploring this path in the US. Additionally, through CREST, I’ve been exposed to various companies and different areas within real estate, which has opened a whole new spectrum of opportunities for me. I’m also interested in exploring real estate development or investment as I continue to grow in this field.

How would you describe the Northstar culture?

Warm and welcoming, it’s an amazing space to learn, ask questions, and get the best insights; everyone is open to help and complement my learning path, which I appreciate. Everyone is always willing to help and share their experiences.  It’s a community you easily feel part of, and you end up enjoying the informal conversation in the lunch breaks, the Lunch and Learn, the different tours in the projects, and the after-food and drinks that bring people together and build friendship and companionship.